lifestyle Angel lifestyle Angel


October is especially filled with a special kind of charm. Stepping into the autumn air feels like biting into a cool, crisp apple as warm nostalgia washes over me through waves of golden sunlight.

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lifestyle Angel lifestyle Angel

Year one

Last year, we were sitting in his car parked outside of Spirit Halloween in Santa Cruz, when Antonio fist asked me to be his girlfriend. I would have never guessed that we’d be moving across the country to New York.

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spirituality Angel spirituality Angel

The universe speaks

The universe communicates with us in countless, subtle ways. It can be through recurring signs, symbols, angel numbers, patterns in nature, and our own intuition. I first started noticing this when I was a child. I’d say something random to my sister or mom, or even just think it, and moments later, I’d hear the exact phrase echoed by characters on the TV.

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