The universe speaks

Understanding the language of the universe

The universe communicates with us in countless, subtle ways. It can be through recurring signs, symbols, angel numbers, patterns in nature, and our own intuition. I first started noticing this when I was a child. I’d say something random to my sister or mom, or even just think it, and moments later, I’d hear the exact phrase echoed by characters on the TV.

As a kid, I found it mysterious but didn’t think about it too much. Small signs like that appeared throughout my youth, but I dismissed them as coincidences until I was around 19. That’s when repeating numbers and oddly specific messages, like phrases on billboards, or a random sign I’d walk past, felt like they were speaking directly to experiences and challenges I was going through. It felt as if something beyond words was guiding me to look deeper and explore more in depth about certain areas of my life.

Signs can be more deep and a call to action or they can be lighthearted and reassuring that you are on your right path. The key is to start noticing them, and as you do, they’ll appear more frequently and carry even greater meaning.

Angel numbers book by Kyle Gray the meaning behind 11:11 and other number sequences

Recent signs and symbolisms in my life

The signs I experience these days have been a lot more attention grabbing and in my face, so when they happen there is no doubt that the universe is speaking directly to me. I’ll be talking to my boyfriend about something very specific and then a little bit later into the day we hear, see, or come across something that is exactly what we were talking about and we both give each other a look filled with wonder. The best times are when I think of something I want and then it appears in my life without too much effort, but rather gentle guidance and insight from the universe. This also is tied to the law of attraction, which I can’t wait to write about it in a later post.

At the beginning of October I was doing an eclipse cord clearing and cleansing ritual. I pulled out a white candle to clear lingering energy that was still on my mind and affecting me. I do not have a candle holder right now since I just moved, so what I did was light the bottom of the candle to make it waxy so I could stick it to a little dish I had that I was setting it upon. I was talking to my angels and asked them to help me release all the old and limiting emotions and did a whole ceremony on that. Afterwards, I started to notice that the candle wax was building towards the top of the candle, since it was slightly tilted due to the angle that I stuck it on the little plate. Eventually it made the symbol of an angel wing. I knew that the universe was communicating with me, assuring me that they were assisting with my request. It was so beautiful and I’m glad I was able to document it. Divine and angelic energy was surely surrounding me and blessing my home.

I hope that by sharing this, it can help someone else notice and tap into the messages that the universe has for them.

angel wing spell candle cord clearing energy clearing healing ritual

To awaken, inspire, and uplift humanity

Afternoon Nostalgia